30 Aug 2010


“I Want More(Switch)”



“New Noise(Steve Aoki & The Bloody Beetroots)”




昨日はSW4というエレクトロの祭典?みたいなのに行ってきました.エレクトロに興味を持ち出して1年弱?生音よりも機械で作られた実験的な音に魅了されるようになりました.その中でも昨日見た"Steve Aoki"には圧倒されました.ロックなんだけど踊れる?踊れるんだけどロック?よくわからないけどロックでした.彼がまたロンドンに来るのを首を長くしてお待ちしております.

29 Aug 2010




28 Aug 2010




27 Aug 2010



下ネタはいくつになっても最高だ.最近は「Cheers(意味:乾杯)」の代わりにしょっちゅう「チンチン!(意味:乾杯 in Italian)」と叫んでいます.「何故タイチはチアーズよりチンチンが好きなの?」と聞かれると丁寧に意味を説明してあげる.結構女の子は喜んでくれるもんだ.下ネタのユニバーサルさには度肝を抜かれた.この前日本人との交際経験のあるスペイン女性に「大きかった?」って聞いたら「ファック!」と言われた.

25 Aug 2010




23 Aug 2010




22 Aug 2010


“The New Series of The X Factor 2010”

Since yesterday The X Factor 2010 has started. Do you know "The X Factor"?? This is a famous TV programme which is in terms of competition for the future singers. For this season, there will be a lot of talented and crazy future singers. I really love to watch this programme.

Even I did not watch it yesterday because of house party, I watched it at this morning through the website. I felt that people who attend The X Factor this year are absolutely crazy and have something different from any other ordinary singers. I mean that they are not good singers yet talented. You know, singers will have to do something else apart from singing as well as any other kinds of jobs. People should not do something within the limitation. This is my argument for the future.

There is one impressive phrase which one singer has said on TV:
"It's time to give you something different. It could be me, could be me…, could be me!!"

I have totally agreed with her at the moment. From the point of my view, this thinking is tremendously important. This is what I am doing and trying now in the UK.

To sum up, you know, artists should not make only their own territorial works, architects should not make only buildings, singers should not only sing. This is all I want to say today. I am Urban thinker, and I am often inspired by British comedies. "Cross Discipline" -This would be of significant importance for the future.

21 Aug 2010




19 Aug 2010




17 Aug 2010




15 Aug 2010




13 Aug 2010




9 Aug 2010



ついに始まりましたマスターへの道.ということで今日からプレセッショナルコースという事前英語コースに通い始めました.これを修了すれば晴れて俺はマスターの学生になれる!待ちに待ったマスターの学生にだ!長かった…マスターを目指し出してかれこれ3年近く経つのか?あと1ヶ月もすれば…笑 1つの俺の希望が叶う.うん予定通りの人生だ.

8 Aug 2010




6 Aug 2010


“Sherlock Holmes”

Sherlock Holmes- which is super famous in London as well as around the world. Nowadays this is describing in the UK's TV drama. There are 2 series on BBC now.

1: A Study in Pink
2: The Blind Banker

Even this story has been released for ages, many people have been still interested in this. So, there are tremendous ads around London, therefore it is easy to notice that this drama is now going on. I am one of this kind of person who is obsessed with Sherlock Holmes now. When I watched this, I realised that such a ultra logical thinking like him must be necessary for the current world.

The reason why I insist on this is important is that there are some people who just take an action immediately yet without any deep consideration. This might be quite important. However, the majority of recent people does not think toward the future, but just for moment. For example, Ryoma Sakamoto, who was a pioneer by whom Japan have been opened, had a deep and sophisticated way to make Japan better by himself. This might have been spontaneous, but he has been successful because of his logical thinking. Although Sherlock Holmes is the person who has too much logical thinking, in other words, genius, ordinary people can mimic him in order to live properly and make a revolution for the world.

In this sense, even I am not totally genius and talented at all, I can live as I think logically like Sherlock Holmes. You know, I have no talents and excellent brain, which is why I gonna live in a life logically and step by step slowly for the better and new world!! Who can make the best world?? The person who has a strong ambitious with a logical thinking. Not enough to be better, we need the best things now. Either way, I gonna watch all the Sherlock Holmes in this summer, I decided.

5 Aug 2010




3 Aug 2010






しかしまだ日本語の方が言葉表現が上手だからどうしても日々の日記(当ブログ)は日本語中心にしてしまっている.最悪英語での発信ツールを!という事でTwitter(MRD2009)では完全に英語で自分の意志を発信している.あと自分のUrban Thinkerとしてのプロジェクトも全て英語でやっている.やはり日本語の限界と英語の無限の可能性を考えると英語の方が不特定多数の人に自分をアピール出来る最強の言語の気がする.





“Vid Og Vid(Ólöf Arnalds)”



“First Floor(Theo Parrish)”



“Bitte Orca(Dirty Projectors)”



“Nap to regret”

I have been asleep without any purpose. I supposed to sleep just for while like 15 minutes. In the result, it is nearly 2 hours. Yet nap is a super comfortable and even helpful for reducing any stress and tiredness. For example, in Spain, companies there have one system, which is called "siesta" for giving employees a nap after lunch time. For Japanese or Korean, this system seems to be jealous and useless to make profits of companies improved. However, the advantages of nap have been proof by some scientific researches. Anyway, there are some reasons why even I as a Japanese have done nap today.

Firstly, nowadays the weather in London is fantastic, not so hot, sometimes very calm wind (even sometime we need to wear some outer jackets). It has not been raining for ages unexpectedly. Even it is said London weather is tremendously bad, this 2 months does not have any rainy days. Even forecasters say that it is not usual. Therefore, when I was working at home, I just decided to go to bed to read some articles for a while. In turn, today's weather just have made me fell asleep. This is 1st reason.

Secondly, I have no stimulation such as drive to go out, to have a drink outside. Because, My school hasn't started yet, so there is no reason why I have to go out. In addition to this, I am just working to finish my projects such as writing articles and making models for universal design of environments. I really want to finish them until I enrol to new school, otherwise I will not be able to manage my time to generate and develop my projects. It could be rush to finish them now. In turn, I have been exhausted a little bit mentally. I need a skill to manage myself properly. This mental tiredness just made me asleep.

To sum up, 1st reason seems to be good and understandable reason in general; nevertheless, 2nd one is just my excuse. You know, but either way, a nap is not totally bad thing, it is more precious for our healthy life. But sometimes it breaks down my schedules such as today (I was going to sleep for a quarter hour yet 2 hours). To be concluded, proper naps are perfect, but exceeded ones are considerably useless. Be careful for naps!! But do naps sometimes!!



今大学に「私のCAS Number(ビザ申請に必要不可欠なモノ)はいつもらえるのでしょうか?」と問い合わせたところ「あー!まだ事務所に回してないやー!」だって.もうイギリスにこのような仕事の速さは求めていないがいざ自分の緊急時となるとさすがにイライラが抑えられない.こういう時に本当にホームシックになる.安心度が違い過ぎる.イギリスの発展の遅さもこれで少しは納得出来るな.

2 Aug 2010




1 Aug 2010


